How To Make A Boat In Mcreator (2025)

1. Making a boat | MCreator

  • Sep 8, 2020 · Boats in Minecraft are a type of mob, so if you were to import the mob model into the game and make it a mountable, floating, water mob, then I ...

  • Is there a way to make boats. because my mod has new wood types that will be included into it besides other things. So I was just wondering how I would go about doing this.

2. How do I make solid entities like boats? | MCreator

  • Mar 31, 2023 · I want to make a pirate mod, and I want ships you can walk on and still ride on. If anyone plays PE/BE, you might know that sea adventure DLC about fishing?

  • So, I want to make a pirate mod, and I want ships you can walk on and still ride on. If anyone plays PE/BE, you might know that sea adventure DLC about fishing? Well, it has boats you can walk around on, but I want to know if you can do that with MCreator for JE. (In summary: Can I make entities you can walk on like boats but bigger and with walls and doors?)     Thanks! O_O

3. how to make vanillia custom Boat? - MCreator

  • Apr 2, 2023 · Ways to make a boat similar to vanillia. (I have model ofc, and i set no AI, floating in water, dolphin grace effect etc... but nothing satisfies me)

  • Hello, i'm wonder that there is a way to introduce this code to mcreator: Or others ways to make a boat similar to vanillia. (I have model ofc, and i set no AI, floating i n water, dolphin grace effect etc... but nothing satisfies me ://)

4. How to make an boat type structure? that is above water - MCreator

5. How to make boats and signs? - Forum - MCreator

  • Mar 5, 2023 · I think everyone who maded mods with mcreator had a problem with boats or signs, because Mcreator doesnt support them. How do I make entity ...

  • I think everyone who maded mods with mcreator had a problem with boats or signs, because Mcreator doesnt support them. How do I make entity ridable by 2 players and not drowning? Also sign GUI is very easy, but the text wont be saved and placed on the sign. Is there like a plugin that adds boats and signs?

6. Hey! I'm trying to make a Magma Boat that float on lava. How can I make it?

  • Oct 10, 2023 · In AIs and Goals there is only Float on water and not Float on lava. How can I make it float on lava? Note: I don't know how to code it out ...

  • In AIs and Goals there is only Float on water and not Float on lava. How can I make it float on lava? Note: I don't know how to code it out with Java. If it were to be in Python I'll just go modify the code manually, but it's in Java.

7. Custom boats | MCreator

  • Jul 18, 2020 · Hi! I see there will be much new things that will allow to expand making custom wood types like fence gates or doors and even trapdoors (but ...

  • Hi! I see there will be much new things that will allow to expand making custom wood types like fence gates or doors and even trapdoors (but they were probably added before, I think). Then to fill it I thought about boats. Every wood type has it's own boat so why won't we make our custom ones? It would be really nice to see, but probably hard to implement. Maybe it will act like living entity or mod element, idk, but seeing ability to make a boat would make me (and also other users) really happy.

8. How to make boats go up slabs or auto jump? - MCreator

  • May 7, 2023 · I was thinking about trying to make a ice boat track mod and wanted to have a way to make the boats travel up blocks like an ice slab for ...

  • I was thinking about trying to make a ice boat track mod and wanted to have a way to make the boats travel up blocks like an ice slab for example, I'm new to using mcreator and could use some help thanks. Preferably this could be done by adding a slab of somekind but I don't know much about it

9. In needs of a boat model - MCreator

  • Dec 31, 2021 · Yup. I'm making a mod and I'm making a custom boat entity. One problem though. The model. I literally CANNOT find a vanilla java boat model ...

  • Yup. I'm making a mod and I'm making a custom boat entity. One problem though. The model. I literally CANNOT find a vanilla java boat model ANYWHERE. When I search for it I only find boat mods or optifine models. And it's a pain making the model in Blockbench. Just wondering, does anyone here have a model already that I can use? I'm desperate at this point

10. Lava Boat 1.14.4 - MCreator

  • Apr 29, 2020 · Hello, i need to make a boat that is at least similar to the minecraft one that floats on lava. I watched the boat tutorial video and tried ...

  • Hello, i need to make a boat that is at least similar to the minecraft one that floats on lava. I watched the boat tutorial video and tried to make it work with other different procedures i made but every time there's a problem and i can't figure out how to do it. Any help is appreciated :) By the way, i'm using the spider model because i'm going for a robot-like creature called the Lava Strider.

11. How to make a boat in mcreator? - Websodi

  • How to make a boat in mcreator? · Open Blockbench: MCreator uses Blockbench for 3D modeling. · Import the model: Open MCreator and import your . · Riding ...

  • Creating a boat in MCreator can be exciting! Here's a breakdown of the steps involved:

12. Making a custom boat players can walk on - MCreator

  • Jun 18, 2024 · im trying to make a custom boat (sloop) and players can walk on it, but I tried everything I can to make a player do so, but still the player go through it.

  • im trying to make a custom boat (sloop) and players can walk on it, but I tried everything I can to make a player do so, but still the player go through it   anyone help me with any answer plz I need that feature in my mod thanks!

13. How to create a boat and minecart??? - MCreator

  • Feb 16, 2019 · How to create a boat Menu create a mob it is not. Isn't the boat kind of an entity? And how to create a minecart?

  • How to create a boat Menu create a mob it is not. Isn't the boat kind of an entity? And how to create a minecart?

14. Custom boats and signs | MCreator

  • Oct 27, 2021 · ... boats are technically entities, but I don't know how to make it go faster on the sea and slower on land. I would also like to make custom ...

  • I want to create custom boats and signs, but I don't know how. I know that boats are technically entities, but I don't know how to make it go faster on the sea and slower on land. I would also like to make custom signs, but I don't know how. It can? And if you can, how is it done? If they can, they could put pictures of the steps to understand better. Thanks.

15. Boat like entities - MCreator

  • Jun 10, 2021 · I wanted to create a mob that you could ride, but I thought it would be cool if you could stand on it as if it was a block. You do see this in the boat as you ...

  • So I wanted to create a mob that you could ride, but I thought it would be cool if you could stand on it as if it was a block. You do see this in the boat as you can stand on it. I was wondering if there was any way to achieve this?

How To Make A Boat In Mcreator (2025)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.